

Branding or building brand awareness is an extremely pleasant creative process. It includes a number of strategic conceptual and design activities aimed to build a strong, eye-catching and memorable brand. The standard process of designing a company’s visual identity or event – and this is what we deal with at CMA – consists of 6 basic stages. This is perfectly illustrated by the following infographics.



Corporate branding

Keeping in mind that a brand is not a logo, and branding is a process and not only a visual identification, we help companies understand and implement strategies for creating a positive brand image in the consumers’ awareness. We will identify needs, agree on a vision, do the necessary analytical work, develop a strategy, and finally design the appearance of each element of brand marketing communication. In our work we will recognize and rely on the unique values that guide your organization on a daily basis, and we will make the whole process consistent with the mission of your company. You will receive a complete, ready to implement and, above all, an effective tool.

Event branding

Branding an event is a very important stage in the organization of event. Properly planned and implemented branding process raises the rank and prestige of event, making it attractive in the eyes and feelings of a precisely defined target group of recipients of marketing communication. To put it simply: good branding has the magnetic power to attract fans to concerts and sporting events, viewers to cultural and entertainment events or guests and participants to congresses or conferences. The CMA supports organizers and event agencies in the area of visual identification of events. You can entrust the whole process to our specialists and creative energy.

Rebranding, Lifting and Redesign

Strategic transformation of the company’s image or cyclical event on one or more levels is called rebranding. If it covers only the visual sphere, we are talking about a lifting. On the other hand, if any of the elements creating brand awareness does not function as expected, professional redesign will be helpful. We are able and willing to help in every case when there is a need to use the services of creative rebranding experts.


Are you interested? Call or write to us at marketing@cma.pl


We will talk about the needs of your company. We will advise you, show directions and help you make key decisions. We will also show the value underlying the professionalization of branding processes with the help of external specialists.

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