Event Services


Eventem nazywamy wydarzenie,  które wykracza poza ramy codzienności. Jest to zdarzenie zaplanowane i zorganizowane w czasie, pod kątem wcześniej ustalonego
An event is understood as happening that goes beyond everyday life. It is a planned and organized event at a time, in terms of predetermined and set goal. The goal is defined by the participants of such an event, its type, the place in which it is to be organized and the time in which it is to take place. Events can be classified according to the type of activity and the objective to be achieved. In the first case, these are cultural, sporting, entertainment, travel, hospitality and adventure events. If the classification of an event takes place with regard to assumed objective, we define integration events, motivational events, called corporate events, promoting a given idea, e.g. social or public, educational events, i.e. conferences and seminars, as well as events building the image of a brand, i.e. marketing events.


Related events:  artistic event, benefit, gala, vernissage, exhibition, revue, show.

Event – step by step

  1. Creating an event scenario;
  2. Choice of date and place of the event;
  3. Informing participants and sending out invitations;
  4. Providing news in the media;
  5. Finding patrons of the event;
  6. Invitation of a well-known person raising the prestige of such an event;
  7. Selection of speakers and hosts;
  8. Preparation of materials for participants;
  9. Handling of events, attractions and accompanying events;
  10. Acknowledgements to the participants and patrons.

An optimally planned event is a matter of combining many elements into a smooth sequence of events. One person is not able to control the implementation of the whole event, which is why teamwork and efficient coordination of activities are so important. Already at the stage of creating an event scenario, it is necessary to ensure a precise division of roles and allocation of tasks. When choosing the date and place of a given event, we take into account the target to which the event is dedicated. A different location is chosen for a youth concert and a different one for a company integration trip. The organizer also takes care to select a convenient date in order to maximize the level of participation. The next stage of organizing the event is to establish and maintain constant contact with potential participants. There are many possibilities in this respect. In the era of fast and easy communication, it is worth focusing resources and energy on social media presence and detailed description of the event in terms of time, place, subject matter and event attractions. When the target group is informed about the upcoming event, it’s time to focus on the visual side of such an event. At this stage of project, the CMA event service comes to your aid.


Our creative team will help to design the whole artistic setting of event – from branding, through designing graphic materials, to unique projections, animations and 2D and 3D visualizations. We help to raise the rank and aesthetic value to the world level. Optimization of promotional activities on the personal and institutional level will enable to raise the prestige of event in the eyes of potential recipients. In order to increase the event’s reputation, it is worth considering an involvement of the so-called Public Figure and ask for media patronage (from the radio, press, Internet industry portals or television) and honorary patronage (from state institutions or local government). An ambassador cannot be an accidental person. This figure should reflect the idea of event and be a carrier of certain set of values that the event carries with its message. For example: an ambassador of a scientific conference can be established as a local or global authority in the person of a respected representative of the scientific world. An important step, which cannot be omitted, is the appointment of appropriate entertainer. The CMA event service is also here to help with cooperation and access to about 150 experienced, guaranteeing a smooth and attractive course of the event scenario of the entertainers and hostesses. If media representatives are invited to the event, especially radio and television, which task will be to create a report, including live coverage of your event, it is worth taking care of an interesting representative who speaks a colorful language. You can also leave it up to us to book artists and handle planned games, entertainments or side events increasing the entertainment attractiveness.


The CMA also includes technical support for events. We provide reliable, most modern event equipment with its professional service.


For clients with their own facilities and competences in the full range of service, our rental service may be helpful.

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